初中英语|国庆节日记 National Day
  →作文|I had a holiday on national day, October, 1st. I stayed at home to watch the military review with my family, because I thought the…〔09-30〕

大学英语|多旅行,少压力Less Stress, More Travel
  →作文|Do you feel lot of stress in your life? Go to school, go to university, get a job, buy a house, have a family and then raise the k…〔09-29〕

小学英语|关于上学方式 The Way to School
  →作文|I live near my school. So, I walk to school every day by myself. But some of my classmates have to take bus, by bike and so on. I…〔09-29〕

小学英语|尊敬父母 Respect Parents
  →作文|When we go to school, the teachers tell us that we should respect our parents. Parents are who raise us, giving all their hearts t…〔09-27〕

  →作文|Study well is not an easy thing. Many students try hard to make their study become good. But sometimes they will use some shortcut…〔09-26〕

小学英语|李安 Li An
  →作文|Li An is a famous director. At first, I am not familiar with him. But later I hear that he wins the Oscar Best Director Award by L…〔09-26〕

小学英语|开心的一天 I Have A Great Day
  →作文|Today is Saturday, I am very happy, because I have no class, so I wake up very late, I have enough sleep....…〔09-25〕

大学英语|雾霾带来的警示The Warning of the Haze
  →作文|Since the development of the technology, the society gets modernized, people make use of the high technology to pursue more profit…〔09-23〕

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