初中英语|快乐的周末 Happy Weekend
  →作文|Since I was small, I was so curious about the beach, because in my home, I never have the chance to see the real beach. It happens…〔05-28〕

小学英语|竞争 Competition
  →作文|Near my house, there lives a woman who is the same age with my mother. She has a daughter, we are at the same age, the coincidence…〔05-27〕

高中英语|国外学生不努力学习? Foreign Students Study Not Hard?
  →作文|When people talk about the foreign education, they will be envious, because they think foreign students study in a very easy way,…〔05-25〕

小学英语|我不是小公主 I Am Not the Little Princess
  →作文|I am a lazy girl, when my mother asks me to help her with her housework, I will find some excuses and then run away. ...…〔05-10〕

大学英语|坚持的力量 The Power of Insistence
  →作文|Last night, I watched a tennis game, it was the US open, because there was a Chinese female player came to the semi-final, so I st…〔05-09〕

高中英语|李娜的退役 Li Na’s Retiring
  →作文|Since I went to high school, I like to watch tennis match so much, because the tennis match can help me relieve myself from the st…〔05-07〕

初中英语|兴趣是最好的老师 Interest Is the Best Teacher
  →作文|When I learned English, I felt so hard, because no matter hard I tried, I just could not understand the grammar. One day, my siste…〔05-06〕

小学英语|看看世界 Take a Look At the World
  →作文|Today, more and more use cell phone, if we take a notice, we can find no matter where they are, people always low down their heads…〔05-05〕

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