小学英语|克服弱点 Get Over My Weakness
  →作文|I love clean thing, it sounds good for me. But the thing is that I can’t bear the dirty environment around me, I am very pic…〔06-16〕

大学英语|安吉丽娜朱莉的事业 The Career of Angelina Jolie
  →作文|When talking about Angelina Jolie, the first thing comes to my mind is her beautiful face and sexy lip. It is known to all that Jo…〔06-12〕

小学英语|烦恼的时刻 The Upset Moments
  →作文|I am a happy girl, I always smile, but sometimes I have something to upset me....…〔05-21〕

高中英语|合作的力量 The Power of Cooperation
  →作文|I was used to do things by my own, because I did not like to cooperate with other person, for I thought it was so easy and quick f…〔05-19〕

高中英语|当我生病了 When I Was Sick
  →作文|Last week, I had an argument with my best friend, because we couldn’t reach the agreement about something. So I went home, a…〔05-10〕

小学英语|额外奖励 Extra Reward
  →作文|Last Saturday, my mother took me to the supermarket, because I did well in school. And she would buy five things to me for my good…〔05-05〕

初中英语|女孩也行 Girls Can Do
  →作文|When I was very small, I wanted to do some things as the boys did, then the elder told me that I wouldn’t succeed, because I…〔04-24〕

大学英语|去北海旅行 A Travel to Beihai
  →作文|As the winter vacation is so long for me this year, I have nothing to do, so I decide to make a trip to Beihai before the Spring F…〔04-11〕

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