小学英语|快乐的时刻The Happy Moment
  →作文|Now they think I have grown up and can protect myself, so they allow me to go out at night. It is such a happy moment for me....…〔03-04〕

小学英语|妈妈的手Mother’s Hands
  →作文|I find my mother’s hands are not as smooth as other person’s, but in my eyes, they are the most beautiful hands....…〔03-02〕

初中英语|中国餐Chinese Meals
  →作文|In China, people usually have three meal a day, they are breakfast, lunch and supper....…〔02-27〕

大学英语|大学生追求时尚College Students Pursue the Fashion
  →作文|College students can pursue fashion, but they should not be crazy about it. They need to measure their situation and make the wise…〔02-25〕

初中英语|犯错误Making Mistake
  →作文|In people’s life, they will face many difficulties, most people can conquer those hard times and keep moving on....…〔02-24〕

初中英语|沉重的作业The Heavy Homework
  →作文|the government had made some reform, the students don’t have to burden so much homework, they can have time to play. ...…〔02-23〕

高中英语|二孩政策The Second Child Policy
  →作文|Since the policy of one child policy carried on, many families raised only a kid. When the children grew up, they felt lonely, bec…〔02-17〕

大学英语|放鞭炮该禁止吗?Should Firecracker be Banned?
  →作文|In Chinese tradition, when the festival comes or when people are having big days, they will play firecrackers, in the purpose of i…〔02-16〕

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