高中英语|篮球比赛 Basketball Match
  →作文|Since I was small, I like to play basketball, because I was effected by my father, he likes to watch basketball game so much, I wi…〔04-20〕

初中英语|我的偶像 My Idol 2
  →作文|Many years ago, I saw a man running so fast on the 110 meter race, he beat the black men and won the match. His name is Liu Xiang,…〔04-19〕

初中英语|我的偶像 My Idol 3
  →作文|When I saw the movie the Pirate of Carribean, I was so attracted by the captain Jack. He was so funny and smart, he made the audie…〔04-19〕

初中英语|傍晚的景色 The Scenery At Dusk
  →作文|In my hometown, the scenery is very beautiful, as I am so close to the nature, I can see the scenery clearly. The house I live in…〔04-17〕

初中英语|国庆节计划 My Plans on National Day
  →作文|Every person loves the National Day, because they will have the holiday and can take some rest. For me, I am so looking forward to…〔04-17〕

大学英语|青春的颜色 The Color of Youth
  →作文|College is the very amazing stage for students, they have gone through the hard time and finally come to their dream place. In thi…〔04-15〕

大学英语|学生给老师打分 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers
  →作文|Nowadays, college teachers have faced the new challenge, they need to accept the students’ rating of them. The teachers are…〔04-15〕

大学英语|猫的夜晚叫声 The Cat’s Call at Night
  →作文|Last night, when I got sleep, I heard some voice, it sounded like the baby was crying, then I looked out of the window, but no one…〔04-13〕

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