小学英语|学英语的好处The Benefit of Learning English
  →作文|As English is widely used today, we learn English since primary school. Some students still ask why they should learn English, we…〔11-15〕

大学英语|英语口语测试之我见My View on Spoken English Test
  →作文|It is a common phenomenon that students have to take oral English test during college. Some people think that it is necessary for…〔11-08〕

大学英语|逃课大军 The Army of Skipping Classes
  →作文|It is not hard to see that the university’s class only has a few students attending to the course. As a Chinese student, we…〔11-05〕

大学英语|为贫穷投票  Vote for Poverty
  →作文|As all we know, universities offer scholarship to the outstanding academic students. And there is another policy for the students…〔10-30〕

大学英语|大学生该出去兼职吗?Should University Students do Part-time Jobs?
  →作文|In today’s job hunting market, many companies tend to hire students who have job experiences. It seems that working experien…〔10-29〕

大学英语|和室友住的好处和坏处The Good Side And Bad Side Of Living With Roommates
  →作文|Nowadays,as we live in school, we are arranged with other students to share a room. Living with roommates is school’s tradit…〔10-29〕

大学英语|找工作和创业哪个好? It is Better to Find a Job or run a Business?
  →作文|In the new century, with the emergence of talent and less opportunity of social jobs, many college students face great employment…〔10-24〕

大学英语|读研  On Attending Graduate College
  →作文|It is a prevailing trend that an increasing number of students choose to continue their study by attending graduate college. This…〔10-17〕

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