托福英语|独处vs.与朋友们在一起   Being alone or staying with friends

初中英语|关于一个人住 Living Alone
  →作文|Yesterday, my parents were not home. And I had to stay at home by myself for one day and one night. I was very happy at first, bec…〔07-03〕

初中英语|怎样保持健康 How to Stay Healthy
  →作文|As we all know, healthy is very important to everybody.But do you really know how to stay healthy? Here are some useful tips....…〔04-25〕

初中英语|改变自己的生活方式 Change My Life Style
  →作文|I like stay late at night and stay in bed late next morning. Usually, I won’t go to the bed before one o’clock. When m…〔03-27〕

小学英语|我爱运动 I Love Sport
  →作文|I love sports. I love all kind of sports. I can’t stay inside the house for a long time. When I have spare time, I will go o…〔03-26〕

小学英语|我最喜欢的地方My Favorite Place
  →作文|I am a ten years old girl. Not like other kids, I like quiet. And my favorite place is my study room. I like staying in it. Nearly…〔03-03〕

大学英语|健康的重要性The Important of Health
  →作文|All the people want to stay in good health. Health is better than wealth. It is true that health is the first step to success. Ima…〔02-15〕

初中英语|学习中文的困难 The Difficulty of Learning Chinese
  →作文|I was born in America and stayed there for four years. But after I celebrate my four years old birthday, my parents decide to go b…〔02-11〕

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