考研英语|我的生活(My taste)英语作文
  →考研|我的生活(My taste) Since I was a child, I always dream about playing table tennis. I did play some nice ball games, but I often got be…〔09-09〕

考研英语|分数之我见(My Ideas on Soores)
  →考研|分数之我见(My Ideas on Soores) 1.有人认为分数重要; 2.有人认为分数不重要; 3.我的看法。 [范文] People's ideas on scores vary from person to person. Some think th…〔09-08〕

  →考研|就业时选择高薪还是好的职业?(Do You Prefer High Salary or A Promising Job?) When it comes to the choice of career, some people prefer the job wi…〔09-08〕

原创英语|Special guides
  →原创|大家出去旅游时大都有导游相伴,但你可曾遇到过下文中的这些特殊的导游呢? If you travel in some area in India, youll be lucky enough to be waited on by special guides―m…〔09-06〕
标签:原创来源:中考话题预测 ,作者:本站整理点击收藏

  →原创|Some British and American people like to invite friends and colleagues for a meal at home. You should not be upset (心烦意乱) if your…〔09-06〕

原创英语|The new way of getting fresh water
  →原创|Have you ever seen the new way of getting fresh water? Here is an example. First, people make some long ponds(池塘) which are about…〔09-06〕
标签:原创来源:中考话题预测 ,作者:本站整理点击收藏

原创英语|A letter to Mr world
  →原创|Dear World, My son starts school today. Its going to be strange and new to him for some time. And I wish you would treat him gentl…〔09-06〕

英语写作技巧|中考英语作文模板-the issue of animals
  →英语|中考英语作文模板:the issue of animals Some people think killing animals for food is cruel and unnecessary and some people think it is esse…〔09-06〕

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