大学英语|学生应通过考试 Students Should Pass All the Courses
  →作文|Whether college students should pass all the courses or not has always been a controversial issue. Some argue that college student…〔05-23〕

大学英语|政府鼓励大学生创业 College Students Starting Their Own Undertakings
  →作文|Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that our government offers some policies or conveniences to college students who want to start…〔05-21〕

大学英语|乡村之变 The Changes in Countryside
  →作文|Nowadays, thanks to the reform and opening-up policy, great changes have taken place in the countryside. Now let me introduce some…〔05-15〕

大学英语|城市生活 City Life
  →作文|Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of living in the…〔05-09〕

初中英语|天气预报Weather Report
  →作文|Good evening ! Here’s the next day weather report for some main cities in Guangxi. Nanning is sunny. It is hot with the temp…〔05-07〕

初中英语|关于我自己 Something about Me
  →作文|Hello, everyone. My English name is Sisi .I am a middle school student....…〔04-22〕

初中英语|给朋友的一封信 A Letter to a Friend
  →作文|I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. ...…〔04-22〕

大学英语|关于成功的建议 Some Advices about Success
  →作文|I have some good advice for your work. If you can do the following things, you will succeed in doing everything....…〔04-21〕

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