高中英语|大学生应不应该允许结婚? Whether College Students Should Be Allowed to Get Married
  →作文|Nowadays, college marriage has increasingly become a public concern as more and more married students appear in campus. Many peopl…〔11-29〕

初中英语|我们应不应该帮助陌生人? Should We Help Strangers?
  →作文|To help others is a traditional virtue of China, but nowadays many people use this advantage to cheat those who help them. It is a…〔11-16〕

大学英语|写作的重要性 The Importance of Writing
  →作文|In a word, writing is an important skill, especially for language learners. Thus, we should improve our writing ability as much as…〔10-31〕

大学英语|私家车之我见 My View on Private Cars
  →作文|As far as I am concerned, as our individuals, we should prefer to choose the public transportations when we go out. And for our g…〔10-21〕

大学英语|成功之路 The Way to Success
  →作文|Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job. To gain success, we should choose the right methods, and make en…〔10-07〕

大学英语|照顾老人 Taking Good Care of Senior Citizens
  →作文|We should take an active attitude toward old people. They should not be regarded as burdens but part of the wealth of society. Hav…〔09-29〕

大学英语|吸烟有害他人自由  Smoking Hurts Others’ Freedom
  →作文|Smokers should know that they are not entitled to the freedom to smoke, which infringes upon non-smokers’ freedom to breathe…〔09-28〕

大学英语|社会道德不应“过时”  Social Morality Should Not Be Out of Date
  →作文|China has long been known as “the land of ceremony and propriety.” Today, however, people often complain that public m…〔09-21〕

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