高中英语|联合国日 United Nations Day
  →作文|October is a month with lots of festivals. Do you know United Nations Day? It set up on October 24th, 1945. Since then, every year…〔10-24〕

大学英语|你的最佳拍档  Your Best Partner
  →作文|Complex emotions always disturb us and we will become upset. Once we meet that situation, the first reflection of us is to find so…〔09-26〕

高中英语|国际和平日 International Day of Peace
  →作文|I believe everyone is eager for comfortable, peaceful life and hating wars. So the United Stations decide to set up an Internation…〔09-17〕

大学英语|电脑的利弊 The Pros and Cons of Computer
  →作文|Computer is increasingly popular in people’s daily life. The number of computer in every family is more than TV set. Some pe…〔09-10〕

大学英语|一代宗师Grand Masters
  →作文|The movie was set up to tell us martial arts legend between south and north. The profound theme was that the real Kung Fu master…〔07-16〕

大学英语|最后一片叶子 The Last Leaf
  →作文|The Last Leaf is a short story written by O Henry, Settled in Greenwich Village. Its depicts characters and themes are typically o…〔06-20〕

大学英语|对待生活的两种态度 Two Attitudes towards Life
  →作文|From the story, we know the fact that the second man has set a good example to us, so we must follow his good example....…〔05-31〕

高中英语|我的旅行计划 My Plan for Journey
  →作文|This month, I will travel to Changsha and Zhangjiajie with my two friends, which is supposed to be a seven-day trip. We will set o…〔05-09〕

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