  →英语|传统节假日调整为法定节假日的英文文章 All Fool's Day, also known as April Fool's Day, is celebrated annually on the first day of April. It is a time…〔05-06〕

考研英语|我的理想情人 a good wife
  →考研|Monkey is so happy to have a such a good wife. Admiring you! It seems I have no standing to admire, for I am also a female, maybe…〔04-25〕

中考英语|我最难忘的经历 my unforgettable experience
  →中考|One month has passed since I came back from Hainana good place where gave me a rather good impression. I feel so wonderful during…〔04-12〕

英语四级|My Freshman Experience 对大学的生活感受英语作文
  →英语|一个大学新生的感受 写一篇有关于大学新生在大学的生活感受的英语作文 大学新生 英语大学新生 My Freshman Experience 08经济(1)班 : 张乾 学号:20080410020115 When I was young, I admired t…〔04-10〕

英语四级|名人隐私 Privacy of Famous People
  →英语|英语作文:名人隐私 privacy of famous people Directions: you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay no less than 120 words on the followin…〔04-10〕

大学英语|Prepared for a Job 准备找工作计划
  →大学|prepared for a job 范文 Dear Sir: I am looking for a position in an engineering department in which I may use my training in compute…〔04-09〕

中考英语|My Plan for Spring Festival 我的春节过年计划
  →中考|my plan for spring festival Spring Festival is a traditional day for the Chinese people to get together besides The Mid-Autumn Day…〔04-09〕

中考英语|关于天气的英语作文 Writing about the weather 气候
  →中考|The weather is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrospher…〔04-09〕

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