大学英语|大学专业应偏向实用性吗?Should Major in Universities be More Practical?
  →作文|With the progress of society, some people argue that the courses in universities should be changed into more practical. In order t…〔11-20〕

初中英语|中学生活 Middle School Life
  →作文|When it comes to middle school life, many people will regard it as busy, enrich and happy. For me, it is. The most obvious factor…〔11-19〕

大学英语|魔术的秘密该揭穿么?Should the Secrets Behind Magic be Disclosed?
  →作文|With a fascination with magic for centuries, there is a heated debate about the disclosure of magic recently. Some people thirst f…〔11-15〕

大学英语|大学教育的目标The Goal of University Education
  →作文|According to many people, university is a springboard towards better jobs or higher salaries, and their only goal of university ed…〔11-14〕

大学英语|自残很蠢Self-mutilation is Stupid
  →作文|Sometimes people will do some extreme things when they feel tremendous pressure, they might do self-mutilation. Instead of express…〔11-14〕

大学英语|李娜:一个为创造纪录而生的女子Li Na, A Girl Who Born To Make Record
  →作文|Li Na, a famous Chinese female tennis player, is familiar by most young people. She is the top tennis player around the world. She…〔11-11〕

大学英语|英语口语测试之我见My View on Spoken English Test
  →作文|It is a common phenomenon that students have to take oral English test during college. Some people think that it is necessary for…〔11-08〕

大学英语|像傻瓜一样地活着 Live Like a Fool
  →作文|The reason why people always feeling annoyed is that they have a very good memory. We always keep the things we should forget in m…〔11-08〕

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