初中英语|《爸爸去哪儿大电影》 Dad Where to Go
  →作文|A few days ago, I went to the theater watch the movie Dad Where To Go with my parents. It is really a good movie that I want to sh…〔05-07〕

大学英语|如何预防青少年犯罪 How to Prevent Teenagers From Committing a Crime
  →作文|Today, the world is keeping their eyes on the teenagers, people pay special attention to teenagers, because they stand for a count…〔05-06〕

大学英语|如何和室友相处 How to Get Along With Your Roommates?
  →作文|For many university students, the first thing they get is to live with roommates, before university, they live with parents, so th…〔04-25〕

英语美文|身体最重要的部分 The Most Important Body Part
  →美文|My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body. Through the years I would guess at what I thought was the co…〔04-24〕

小学英语|对父母撒谎 Lie to My Parents
  →作文|Today, when I go home after school, I go across a shop, I see a beautiful toy, I want it so much, but my parents will not buy it f…〔04-24〕

高中英语|成人礼 Adult Ceremony
  →作文|Last week, I had my birthday party, it was my Adult Ceremony. Unlike the birthday party I had before, this time, my mother treated…〔04-22〕

初中英语|我最喜欢的礼物 My Favourite Present
  →作文|I have received many presents when I have my eleven birthday party. My parents give me a teddy bear,...…〔04-22〕

英语美文|一切刚开始 We're Just Beginning
  →美文|'We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite…”...…〔04-21〕

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