大学英语|如何与孩子沟通?How to Communicate With Kids?
  →作文|As the saying that every family has their issues, the most common issue between families is the communication between parents and…〔10-27〕

初中英语|兼职工作 Part-time Job
  →作文|I am a middle school student. I am active. I like going out to play. Recently, I am fond of skating. I want a pair of skating shoe…〔10-15〕

小学英语|日本卡通Japanese Cartoon
  →作文|I like to watch cartoon, especially Japanese cartoon. Everyday after school, I will ran to home, open the TV, waiting for the cart…〔10-15〕

大学英语|家长让学生抓狂 Parents Drive Students Crazy
  →作文|It is said that Chinese parents are the world’s most responsible parents, it sounds like the praise to Chinese parents,...…〔10-14〕

初中英语|关于面子问题 Face
  →作文|Today, our teacher told us a story on the newspaper. She told us that there was a famous university student whose family is very p…〔10-10〕

小学英语|尊敬父母 Respect Parents
  →作文|When we go to school, the teachers tell us that we should respect our parents. Parents are who raise us, giving all their hearts t…〔09-27〕

大学英语|为完美旅程做准备Preparing For A Perfect Journey
  →作文|Beautiful landscapes, exotic cultures and a relaxing time all contribute to the perfect journey....…〔09-26〕

大学英语|网络聊天更真实?Chattering Online Are More Real?
  →作文|Since there so many negative news about the Internet are reported on the newspaper, it is believed that online chattering is such…〔09-17〕

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