→高中|关于请柬请帖的英语作文 An Invitation Letter June 15,2008 Dear Xue Feng, This June 30th I am going to graduate, so I want to hold a party on S…〔04-19〕
→美文|had to choose the expensive commercial housing. The government neglected its duty, Take this point, the government should be partl…〔04-15〕
→文化|Choosing the Right Breed Some people choose a particular wow account dog breed because they like the way it looks. Choosing the Ri…〔04-09〕
→情感|A Forever Friends Sometimes in life,you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who…〔04-03〕
→作文|Partime 工作是现代社会的趋势。它提供了一些生活贫困学生或入学的收入。然而,一些人认为 partime 工作会分散学生的学习。我认为 partime 工作已利大于弊。 年轻人可以学习 partime 工作,钱也来之不易。他们要工作到它。另外,他们可以学习…〔04-01〕
→作文|Last summer vacation I had my first interview in my life in order to get a part-time job. That afternoon I stood in the hall with…〔03-25〕
→新闻|Former US Presidents George W Bush and Bill Clinton have been visiting Haiti as part of their fund-raising efforts to aid the eart…〔03-23〕
→新闻|French President Nicolas Sarkozy has reshuffled his cabinet after a heavy defeat for his party in regional polls. Labour Minister…〔03-23〕