英语美文|林肯在葛底斯堡的演讲The Gettysburg Address
  →美文|Abraham Lincoln , (1809 - 1865) November 19, 1863 Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Fourscore and seven years ago,our fathers brought forth…〔03-20〕

大学英语|手机的优缺点Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phones
  →作文|Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society, especially the IT and information industry, cell phones are accessible and th…〔03-20〕

初中英语|春分Vernal Equinox
  →作文|Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox is the fourth solar terms in the total twenty-four. Its the middle of spring and usually on the 2…〔03-20〕

初中英语|关于旅行 About Travel
  →作文|There is a saying that You can either travel or read,but either your body or soul must be on the way. With the improvement of livi…〔03-19〕

高中英语|改革现行的高考制度 Reform Our Current College Entrance Examination System
  →作文|Directions: A. Title: How To Improve Or Reform Our Current College Entrance Examination System. B. Time limit: 40 minutes C. Word…〔03-12〕

高中英语|记一次植树节活动英语日记Tree-planting Day
  →作文|March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that day . On that day , we didn't had classes .…〔03-12〕

大学英语|能源危机 Energy Crisis
  →作文|With the oil price going up high in the global market,our attention is once again drawn by the energy problem.we have to admit tha…〔03-08〕

初中英语|电脑游戏与我们的视力 Computer games and our eyesight
  →作文|Write at least 60 words according to the given topic Computer games and our eyesight ( 以 电脑游戏与我们的视力 为题写话,词数不少于60个,标点符号不占格) How do…〔03-08〕

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