英语美文|A Few Remarks on Myself讲一讲我自己
  →美文|I should say the person I know most thoroughly is myself.Since I was born,I have never lost sight of myself for a single moment.So…〔01-27〕

初中英语|Buildings in Tianjin天津的建筑
  →作文|In Tianjin,there are many buildings of bygone times.Some of them are imposing and have great artistic and historic value.However,t…〔01-27〕

英语作文范文|An Awful Day When Everything Goes Wrong祸不单行的一天
  →范文|Yesterday was one of those awful days for me when everything I did went wrong.First,I did't hear my alarm clock and arrived late f…〔01-26〕

大学英语|An Unforgettable Experience一次难忘的经历(英语四级作文)
  →作文|One day on my way to school,I ran across a traffic accident,in which a girl was seriously injured by a motorcycle.I rushed to her…〔01-26〕

高中英语|骑自行车的利与弊 英语作文
  →高中|pros and cons of riding a bike as we all know cycle could be a means of transportation, sports equipment and even enterainment dev…〔01-25〕

双语阅读|美文赏析:A coke and a smile 可乐与微笑
  →时尚|Okay, I replied shyly, already wondering how I would get across the street. Surely Grampy was going to come with me. Grampy stretc…〔01-25〕

英语美文|Buildings on Our Campus我们校园的建筑
  →美文|Our college is an ordinary institution of higher learning. on our campus,there are no skyscrapers,no graceful and imposing buildin…〔01-25〕

大学英语|The Person I Feel the Most Grateful to我最感激的人
  →作文|I am now a college student.I not only stay on top in studies in my class,but also have a strong constitution.Perhaps no one believ…〔01-25〕

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