大学英语|婚姻和房子Marriage And House
  →作文|Nowadays,when a couple get married, the first they do is to get enough money to buy a house. In China, it seems that marriage mean…〔01-28〕

大学英语|重金引进人才之我见My View on Appealing to The Talent Through Money
  →作文|Nowadays, many enterprises, even some governments would like to appeal the talent from prestigious university or overseas graduate…〔01-26〕

大学英语|太空探索是不是浪费钱?Is the Space is a Huge Waste of Money?
  →作文|Nowadays in the world, superpowers are investing significant amount of money in space technology. Hundreds of space vehicles have…〔01-26〕

大学英语|我们应该相信专家吗?Should We Believe in Specialists?
  →作文|Specialists’ suggestions seem to be everywhere nowadays. They frequently appear in advertisements, TV shows, and the news di…〔01-23〕

高中英语|暴力镜头的限制The Limitation of The Violence Shot
  →作文|Nowadays, when we watch the movie or the TV series, we may find violence shot everywhere, such as the movie about a cop fighting w…〔01-23〕

初中英语|Lady Gaga的时尚启示The Enlightenment of The Fashion From Lady Gaga
  →作文|Almost every guy knows Lady Gaga, a lot of teenagers adore her so much, they follow what the girl does, imitates what she wears. L…〔01-22〕

大学英语|补习之我见My View on Taking After-school Classes
  →作文|It is nothing new that many students go to take after-school classes now, but in my opinion, it’s just a waste of time and m…〔01-21〕

大学英语|我为什么上大学?Why I Go to College?
  →作文|When I was a little girl, I always wanted to go to college. Now I am a freshman of a key university. I have asked myself the same…〔01-20〕

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