大学英语|我和游泳 Me and Swimming
  →作文|Now, I want to share one of my experiences with you. Yeah, it's something about one of my favorite sports——swimming. H…〔01-16〕

初中英语|中国110宣传日的由来The Coming of China 110 Publicity Day
  →作文|January 10th, 2014 is the twenty-eighth 110 Publicity Day. The theme of this year is '110 guards your peace.' The first 110 police…〔01-10〕

初中英语|新年提示 New Year Tips
  →作文|New Year is coming. Most people are looking forward to it and indulged in the happiness from it. But there are some people are hav…〔12-31〕

高中英语|平安夜Christmas Eve
  →作文|Christmas Eve is coming soon, it is on December 24, the day before Christmas. At first, Christmas is very popular in western count…〔12-24〕

大学英语|孩子们沉重的负担Heavy Burden on Children
  →作文|With competitions becoming increasingly fierce in our society, more and more parents are busy enrolling their children to a variet…〔12-09〕

大学英语|我对人造美的看法 My View on Man-made Beauty
  →作文|As people are becoming more conscious of their appearance, man-made beauty beings to emerge. Some people are strongly opposed to b…〔12-03〕

初中英语|感恩节(一)Thanksgiving Day(一)
  →作文|Thanksgiving Day is coming soon, it is on the fourth Thursday in December. Thanksgiving Day is very popular in western country, on…〔11-28〕

大学英语|你开心吗?(一)Are You Happy?(一)
  →作文|Nowadays our life is becoming better and better. Our living conditions have progressed on a large scale. Thanks to the rapid evolu…〔11-22〕

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