→原创|本文为joozone.com原创,是由本站特聘专家为大家写的一篇英语演讲稿范文,欢迎各站转载,但请注明出处!谢谢。 You may see some strong young man, sitting the sick and elderly on buses…〔12-14〕
→高中|四川汶川5.12地震英语作文 关于5.12四川汶川地震的英语作文 May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan…〔07-05〕
→|6月24日消息,据台湾媒体报道,Google负责搜索产品暨用户体验部门的全球副总裁Marissa Mayer(玛丽莎-梅耶尔)表示,Google正在寻找“关键词”以外的搜索方式,目前正在投入研发和测试的,包括有全面性自动翻译系统。如果使用简……〔06-25〕
→英语|理想的生活 向往的生活 我的理想生活 We are all in the level after university. I can't match your need as it may have little errors in my writing, a…〔06-07〕
→中考|Do you enjoy reading books online? WHICH way will you most likely choose while reading? I suppose most of you may select to read o…〔06-03〕
→考研|Monkey is so happy to have a such a good wife. Admiring you! It seems I have no standing to admire, for I am also a female, maybe…〔04-25〕
→大学|prepared for a job 范文 Dear Sir: I am looking for a position in an engineering department in which I may use my training in compute…〔04-09〕