初中英语|我的生活 My Life
  →作文|All in all, life is beautiful, although we must spend most time in study. And we should hold a positive attitude towards life....…〔03-11〕

初中英语|为妈妈做顿饭 Cook a Meal for Mother
  →作文|Today is Women's Day. I think it would be one of the most beautiful memories in my mother's life....…〔03-10〕

初中英语|我的金钱观 My View on Money
  →作文|All in all, we should have a correct concept of money. We can’t live for money, but take it as a tool leading a better life.…〔03-09〕

大学英语|团队运动的重要性The Importance of Team Sports
  →作文| Team sports help students be successful in life . Sports students playing together make them learn about cooperation , which is v…〔03-08〕

高中英语|课后活动 Activities in Spare Time
  →作文|In short, I usually arrange a lot of activities for myself in my free time, because I want to make my life more wonderful and inte…〔03-08〕

初中英语|快乐来自乐观和奋斗 Happiness Comes from Good Attitude and Hard Work
  →作文|Life is a mirror. If we smile to her, she would also return the happiness to us. But if we cry, she would be disappointed....…〔03-08〕

小学英语|十年后的我 Me in Ten Years
  →作文|ow, I am sixth grade student. After ten years later, I will be a college graduate and apply for the first job in my life. I think…〔03-08〕

大学英语|东西方文化差异 Cultural Differences between the East and the West
  →作文|Culture is the collective mental programming of the people in an environment, conditioned by the same education and life experienc…〔03-07〕

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