初中英语|健康的生活 A Healthy Life
  →作文|Many people dream to live a healthy life. But sometimes they do not have a full understanding of healthy life. In my mind, a healt…〔02-07〕

大学英语|奢侈的浪费Extravagant Spending
  →作文|Nowadays, with the fast development of the economy, Chinese people have live a better life, they have enough money to buy what the…〔02-04〕

大学英语|海归是否高人一等?Are Overseas Returnees Superior to Us?
  →作文|In our daily life, we usually find that the overseas returnees are easier to a high payment job than those who don’t have su…〔01-26〕

初中英语|最难忘的事 Unforgettable Events
  →作文|Our life occur a lot of things nearly every day. Some we may forget and some we may remember. There is one thing I won’t for…〔01-24〕

大学英语|不再有铁饭碗No More Iron Rice Bowls
  →作文|Should corporations continue to offer jobs for life or has this practice already become obsolete? Personally, I concede that jobs…〔01-23〕

大学英语|网上购物之我见Shopping on the Internet
  →作文|With the rapid development of the internet, shopping on the Internet has become a fashion in our daily life. According to the late…〔01-22〕

大学英语|尊老是中华民族传统美德Respecting the Elderly Is a Traditional Chinese Virtue
  →作文|The elderly have accumulated a lifetime’s worth of experience. However, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, e…〔01-17〕

大学英语|适应大学生活 Adapt College Life
  →作文|In our real life, it is really a period of hardship for us to adapt ourselves to new school life. However, being active is of nece…〔01-16〕

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