外国→|Forests give us shade, quiet and one of the harder challenges in the fight against climate change. Even as we humans count on forests to soak up a good share of the…〔08-05〕
→原创|道歉信一般是在因过失或疏忽做错了事,给别人带来了麻烦或损失,发觉后要立即写信给对方赔礼道歉,这是一种礼貌。道歉信要写得坦率,诚恳。Suppose that Sarah, a friend of yours, has invited you to her birthday party, but you cannot go for…〔04-21〕
→爆笑发言|校长在礼堂讲话,英语老师做翻译。/校长:“各位老师们、同学们!”/英语老师;“ Ladies And Gentlemen!”/校长:“各位女士们,先生们!”/英语老师、想了下说:“Good morning!”…〔04-13〕
→写作|Dear friends and lovers of English, it’s Yang Li. I am back with more tips on improving your English. Having talked about reading and speaking skills, I am going to…〔04-01〕
→中考|本文收集了中考英语满分作文必备句型100例,供广大好学考生用户参考。1.According to a recent survey,four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.100.As for me,it is essential to …〔01-26〕
→原创|女士们,先生们:我想说一些关于树的问题,我们也知道树对于人类来说很重要。首先,树有益于我们的健康。树提供我们呼吸的氧气。没有树我们就不能生存。其次,树可以美化我们生存的环境。由于树这么重要,我们必须尽量保护它们。Ladies and gentlemen, I want to say something about trees.…〔01-16〕
→英文|Find love through a window He had dreams of being a tour guide, could have accidentally let his fate when, on the mailman. A few years later, young man soon tired o…〔11-27〕
→美文|我们的勇气并不是与生俱来的,我们的恐惧也不是。也许有些恐惧来自你的亲身经历,别人告诉你的故事,或你在报纸上读到的东西。We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on b…〔11-07〕