英语新闻|Boehner: Moving Gitmo prisoners to U.S. 'makes no sense'
  →新闻|The top Republican in the House and a senior White House adviser on Sunday debated a plan for closing the U.S. military prison at…〔03-15〕

英语新闻|Envoy: U.S.-Pakistan relations significantly improved
  →新闻|The relationship between the United States and Pakistan has seen a significant improvement under the Obama administration, the U.S…〔03-15〕

英语新闻|Residents use social media to fight organized crime in Mexic
  →新闻|Renewed violence in Mexican cities bordering Texas has ignited fear among nearby residents, some of whom have turned to social med…〔03-09〕

英语新闻|Report of American al Qaeda spokesman's arrest questioned
  →新闻|Conflicting reports emerged Sunday about whether Adam Gadahn, a U.S.-born spokesman for al Qaeda, has been arrested in Pakistan. A…〔03-08〕

英语新闻|Jobs: Short-term hope, long-term despair
  →新闻|Friday's jobs report showed some glimmers of a recovery but if you're among the 8.8 million Americans still unemployed after nearl…〔03-07〕

英语新闻|Lawyer: Leak of sex claims against Italian official is 'sham
  →新闻|Reports that an Italian government official accused of financial corruption allegedly used a Vatican choir singer to arrange gay l…〔03-07〕

英语新闻|Report: Knox jurors found no planning, malice in Kercher's s
  →新闻|Jurors believed American Amanda Knox played a role in the slaying of her British roommate, Meredith Kercher, but thought the death…〔03-05〕

英语新闻|Jurors believed American Amanda Knox played a role in the sl
  →新闻|Thirty to 40 ships including several passenger ships were stuck Thursday in ice off the coast of Sweden, said a spokesman fo…〔03-05〕

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