小学英语|如果生命重来 If Life Comes Back Again
  →作文|When people feel frustrated, they will want to change their lives and wish to have another choice. As for me, no matter how bad I…〔01-16〕

大学英语|直播秀 The Live Show
  →作文|Many people like to watch the live show nowadays, every night, they will stay at home and watch the competition, the song competit…〔01-03〕

大学英语|维多利亚的秘密时尚演出 The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show
  →作文|Victoria’s Secret is the world famous women’s underwear brand, it comes from America. In order to popularize this bran…〔12-28〕

高中英语|给李华的一封信 A Letter to Li Hua
  →作文|Dear Li Hua,Glad to hear from you. How is everything going now? From your last letter, you said you were just home from a trip to…〔12-21〕

小学英语|我想要一部手机 I Want a Cellphone
  →作文|Last week, when I went to school, I found many of my friends were having a cellphone, they showed off their cellphones and talked…〔11-29〕

高中英语|育儿之道 The Way to Educate Kids
  →作文|As the TV show Where Are You Going, Dad becomes the hottest topic in the whole summer, the way of how the father educate their chi…〔11-24〕

大学英语|养育一个孩子的付出 The Cost of Raising a Kid
  →作文|When I was small, my mother always told me how much work she had contributed to raising me, so I was very afraid of making her ang…〔10-17〕

高中英语|如何提高成绩? How to Improve Study?
  →作文|High school students are under great pressure, they want to do best in the exams, because it means so much for them, if they do we…〔10-06〕

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