大学英语|创造奇迹 Creating Miracle
  →作文|Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world. Many Chinese heroes fought for the r…〔08-16〕

初中英语|我战胜了惰性 I Get Over Laziness
  →作文|My mother always says that I am a lazy girl, when she needs my help with her housework, I will say no to her, which annoys her. Si…〔08-10〕

大学英语|家庭聚会 Family Gathering
  →作文|Family means so much for me, I have a big family, because my mother and my father have many brothers and sisters. Living in the bi…〔08-07〕

大学英语|吸烟与健康 Smoking and Health
  →作文|There are so many people smoke in the world, though they know smoking is harmful to their health, they just could not get rid of i…〔08-06〕

高中英语|我的教官 My Military Training Instructor
  →作文|The first day for me to come to the high school, my head-teacher told us the news that we needed to take the military train. We we…〔08-04〕

初中英语|节约用水 Saving Water
  →初中|节约用水 Saving WaterOne day, when I was washing my hands, my mother came to me and told me that I should not wash my hands with so mu…〔08-03〕

小学英语|一个伟大的人 A Great Man
  →作文|In my heart, my father is a great man, he wakes up early and goes to work, in the event, he goes home late. He is working so hard,…〔07-31〕

小学英语|我的周末 My Weekend
  →作文|My father is busy all the time, he promises me that once he has the time, he will bring me to the zoo. This week, he finally keeps…〔07-29〕

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