高中英语|寒假计划plan for winter holiday
  →作文|I’m looking forward to the coming of my winter holiday. In order to have a good time in the vacation, I have made a plan for…〔02-26〕

初中英语|我的春节 My Spring Festival
  →作文|The Spring Festival is the most important festival all the year round for the Chinese. During this Spring Festival, I have a good…〔02-23〕

小学英语|今天天气很好 The Good Weather Today
  →作文| I am happy today because of the good weather and my friend....…〔02-23〕

大学英语|抵制日货 Is it Good to Boycott the Japanese Goods?
  →作文|As the history between Chinese and Japanese and the issue happened on Diaoyu Island recently, some Chinese people appeal to boycot…〔02-22〕

初中英语|新年心愿 Wishes for the New Year
  →作文|The New Year is coming and I have good wishes for the coming year. Firstly, I hope my families will be happy and in good health...…〔02-03〕

英语美文|How to Make a Good Speech? 怎样做一个成功的演讲者?
  →美文|How to make yourself impressed and present an impressive speech in front of interviewers. What you should pay special attention to…〔01-14〕

小学英语|元旦 New Year's Day
  →作文|Today is the New Year’s Day. I have a three-day holiday, so I can go out have fun or stay at home to have a good rest....…〔12-29〕

高中英语|开卷有益 Reading Is Valuable
  →作文|In my opinion, reading is of great benefit to us. For one thing, reading is a good way to make one more intelligent....…〔12-24〕

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