小学英语|关于学雷锋 Lei Feng
  →作文|Today I did a good thing and received praise. I was very happy. When I passed the playground, I found an exercise book on the grou…〔06-09〕

小学英语|关于丰富校园生活 Enrich School Life
  →作文|Today, I heard a piece of good news. In order to enrich our school life, our school decided to make some free time for us. We don&…〔06-06〕

高中英语|假冒产品 Fake Goods
  →作文|Fake goods, also known as Shanzhai products, are quite common in China. These products usually have the similar names with the rea…〔05-28〕

小学英语|成为一个好孩子 To Be a Good Child
  →作文|My mother always complains about my bad behavior, like I don’t eat up the food and sometimes I don’t have responsibili…〔05-23〕

初中英语|英语的好处The Good Side of English
  →作文|As the world gets globalized, English has become a worldwide language, in China, English is a subject for students to learn. The r…〔05-22〕

大学英语|大学生逃课 College Students Skip the Class
  →作文|There is a famous sentence spreads around the campus, it is “One will be a good student until he skips classes”. Actua…〔05-16〕

初中英语|写给好朋友的一封信 A Letter to My Good Friend
  →作文|Long time no see, how is your summer vacation? I' m really sorry for writing so late. ...…〔05-15〕

大学英语|如何避免间接死亡 How to Avoid Indirectly Death
  →作文|We never know which one comes first, the death or tomorrow. Unexpected things happen every day, sometimes are good, and sometimes…〔05-14〕

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