大学英语|乔治小王子上学了 Little George’s Going to School
  →作文|In England, prince William and his wife princess Kate catch the media’s attention all the time. Since they gave birth to the…〔01-25〕

双语阅读|关于英国小王子的姓名,George Alexander Louis的意义
  →时尚|Prince George Alexander Louis: What Does it Mean? 王子的姓名乔治亚历山大路易斯为何意义 The name of the royal prince has been announced: George Alexa…〔08-27〕

英语新闻|Bush and Clinton visit Haiti in fund-raising effort
  →新闻|Former US Presidents George W Bush and Bill Clinton have been visiting Haiti as part of their fund-raising efforts to aid the eart…〔03-23〕

英语新闻|US envoy: Israelis and Palestinians accept indirect talks
  →新闻|Israeli and Palestinian leaders have accepted indirect talks, according to George Mitchell, the Obama administration's special env…〔03-09〕

英语新闻|Rove: Bush didn't 'lie us into war'
  →新闻|Karl Rove, often described as President George W. Bush's brain, defended the former president in a new book against claims that he…〔03-07〕

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