小学英语|我的家庭  My Family
  →作文|Hello! My name is Helen Brown. I have a brother, Mike. My father is a doctor. My mother is a bus driver. They don’t work on…〔09-16〕

大学英语|过度关爱对孩子不利Too Much Care Can be Harmful to Children
  →作文|Nowadays, in China, more and more family only have one child because of the one child policy. Parents are taking more attention to…〔09-06〕

大学英语|电视对儿童的不良影响The Negative Effect of Television on Children
  →作文|Nowadays, TV has spread to every corner of our life. Most children watch TV after school, on the weekend and in holiday. While the…〔09-06〕

大学英语|最好的入学年龄  The Best Age of Entrance School
  →作文|Some children go to school at the age of four, why is that? It is not a matter of the-earlier-the-better when we discuss at what a…〔09-05〕

高中英语|浅析学校教育 My View on School Education
  →作文|School eduction has played an important role in people’s life. When reaching three tears old, the little children will go to…〔09-05〕

高中英语|莱昂内尔安德烈斯梅西Lionel Andres Messi
  →作文|Lionel Andres Messi is a famous and successful football player around the world.莱昂内尔安德烈斯梅西是一个著名、成功的世界足球运动员。...…〔08-30〕

大学英语|小孩应该吃汉堡包吗  Should Children Be Allowed to Eat Hamburgers
  →作文|With the wide spread of hamburger Restaurant, especially the McDonald and KFC, our children are exposed to these kinds of high cal…〔08-29〕

大学英语|我爱做梦     I Love Dreaming
  →作文|I love dreaming, i can say that without any shame. Some one might said that this is an often mediocre and the lazy excuse, the peo…〔08-27〕

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