英语美文|林书豪的成功教会我们的10个人生道理(双语)Lessons from Lin’s Success
  →美文|1. Believe in yourself when no one else does. Lin’s only the 4th graduate from Harvard to make it to the NBA. He’s als…〔12-24〕

大学英语|电视如何影响社会?How Does TV Affect The Society?
  →作文|Compare with the past, people pay more attention to the TV instead of reading magazines. Nowadays TV plays a more and more import…〔12-11〕

高中英语|钱不等于成功Money Doesn’t Equal Success
  →作文|of success also include fame,respect,and knowledge.许多人认为有大量的收入等于成功。 然而,我相信,成功不仅仅是指你有多少钱。 成功还包括名誉、尊重和知识。...…〔12-04〕

大学英语|借钱是否对友谊有害?Does Borrowing Money do Harm to Friendship?
  →作文|There is an old saying in china, “depends on neighbor at home, goes out depending on the friends” which means friend i…〔12-02〕

英语新闻|美国中部城市遭龙卷风袭击 51人遇难120多人伤Tornadoes Attacked America
  →新闻|According to reports, a wind speed up to 320 kilometers per hour tornadoes hit the Moire, the south of United States Oklahoma, on…〔11-11〕

大学英语|手机如何改变我们的生活How Does Cellphone Change Our Life
  →作文|We live in a world with high-tech products. Cellphone has been part of our life, it gets updated very fast. Unlike twenty years ag…〔10-30〕

大学英语|学历重要吗Does Diploma Matter
  →作文|It is a common phenomenon that when people go to find jobs, they usually need to take their diploma with them since most vacancy h…〔09-26〕

大学英语|手机如何改变我们的生活  How Does Cell Phone Changes Our Life
  →作文|Cell phone is so cheap that almost all people can afford it. Whenever you go, you see people hold cell phones listening to music,…〔09-11〕

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