初中英语|A Careless Person一个粗心的人
  →作文|According to his mother,Roger is a careless person.He always forgets something else while he's doing something although he denies…〔01-28〕

大学英语|Great Changes in MY Hometown我故乡的巨变
  →作文|My hometown lies in eastern Inner Mongolia.It is a beautiful small town.Because of the reforms and open door policy,it is getting…〔01-27〕

英语作文范文|Hurrying Home in Rain雨中急归
  →范文|When Louis Tang left work,it was pouring with rain.Many people were standing in doorways of shops,taking shelter. Louis took off h…〔01-26〕

高中英语|Go Grocery Shopping购买杂货
  →作文|Mr and Mrs Allen go grocery shopping on Saturday morning.Mrs Allen does the shopping and he sits in the car and waits for her.This…〔01-26〕

高中英语|Would My Father Have to Operate父亲得动手术吗
  →作文|I was waiting for the doctor to finish his examination.I was worried and nervous.Would my father have to operate?Would a blood tra…〔01-26〕

英语作文范文|What Do I Think of Myself我怎么看自己
  →范文|I am a young man of 19, studying at college.I am tall and sturdy,for my parents made every effort to feed me up when Ilived whth t…〔01-25〕

初中英语|My parents我的父母
  →作文|My father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse,I am their only daughter.Father and Mother work in the same hospital.Father is tall…〔01-25〕

初中英语|How To Treat Disabled People如何对待残疾人
  →作文|Have you been asked for money by some beggars who have disabilities while you’re enjoying shopping? Do you have any pity for that…〔01-21〕

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