高中英语|双学位必要吗?Is It Necessary to Gain the Double Degree
  →作文|When students go to the college, they need to choose a major to learn, it is very different from the high school study, students d…〔09-16〕

高中英语|最美学生The Most Beautiful Students
  →作文|In 2014, when June comes, it means the college entrance exam comes, too. It is the most important moment for the high school stude…〔09-16〕

大学英语|如何选专业?How to Choose the Major?
  →作文|When students finish their high school, most of them will to go study in college, the first thing they do is to choose the major.…〔08-19〕

英语六级|College Students and Luxuries 大学生和奢侈品
  →六级|1 现在不少大学生都拥有奢侈品2 大学生获得奢侈品的途径有……3 我认为………〔07-10〕

大学英语|重读高中是否好?Is It Good to Repeat High School Study?
  →作文|Every year there are high school students joining the college entrance exam in June, then in July, the scores come out, students s…〔07-08〕

大学英语|大学生应该创业吗?Should College Students Do business?
  →作文|According the least report, many students start their own business in order to get prepared for the future. Some students run on-l…〔07-07〕

英语新闻|六名高考替考学生受处罚 6 Students Punished for Gaokao Cheating
  →新闻|Six candidates in Central Chinas Henan Province for the national college entrance examination, or gaokao, have been…〔06-25〕

大学英语|我的专业  My Major
  →作文|I study in a college now, before I went to college, I spent a lot of time to figure out which major should I choose. After conside…〔06-23〕

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