大学英语|网络购物Online Shopping
  →作文|With the development of the e-commerce, more and more people intent to do the shopping online. There are many advantages of online…〔03-20〕

大学英语|我的校园生活My Campus Life
  →作文|Apart from the classes, there are many activities and organizations in the collage. I am active in my campus life....…〔03-19〕

高中英语|我最尊敬的人The People I Respect the Most
  →作文|The people I respect the most is my father. I work hard so that someday I could be the man like my father....…〔03-18〕

初中英语|我就要成为一名高中生I Will Become A High School Student
  →作文|I will become a high school student this September. I am looking forward to be a high school student....…〔03-17〕

大学英语|成为一个专才还是通才To Become a Specialist or a Generalist
  →作文|becoming a specialist means we master a skill, but becoming a generalist can complete a person and help him to be a better one. ..…〔03-16〕

大学英语|兼职The Part Time Job
  →作文|There are many advantages of doing part time jobs in collage. I will do better in the future since I have such great experiences o…〔03-15〕

初中英语|我有一台电脑I Have a Computer
  →作文|My computer helps me a lot, it is a good friend to me....…〔03-15〕

大学英语|高考改革的好与坏The Good Side and Bad Side of the Reform of College Entrance Exam
  →作文|College Entrance Exam reform can improve students’ overall education....…〔03-14〕

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