高中英语|美国人口普查 Census in America
  →作文|Census is very important for every country, it can tell the changes of the population and help the government to carry out some po…〔06-20〕

小学英语|克服弱点 Get Over My Weakness
  →作文|I love clean thing, it sounds good for me. But the thing is that I can’t bear the dirty environment around me, I am very pic…〔06-16〕

初中英语|学校的体育馆 The Gym In My School
  →作文|Recently, it has been said that the new building in my school will be finished soon and all the students can use it. It is such ex…〔06-15〕

初中英语|物质女孩 It Girls
  →作文|Nowadays, if we pay attention to the fashion news, we can see there are some girls who dress so well and take part in all kinds of…〔06-13〕

高中英语|什么是有用的人 What Is the Useful Person
  →作文|Since we go to school, the teachers educate us to be a better person, they tell us that we must study hard, so that we can be the…〔06-09〕

小学英语|超人 Superman
  →作文|When I read the comic series of superman, I am so crazy about this man. He is so powerful, he can fly and then save the world. Whe…〔06-07〕

高中英语|琼恩雪诺回来了 Jon Snow Is Coming Back
  →作文|The American TV series Game of Thrones is the hottest one around the world. In its last season, the director left the fans a great…〔06-06〕

大学英语|大苹果 The Big Apple
  →作文|American cities have many nickenames, such as Chicago is the windy city and Los Angeles is the city of angels. The biggest city Ne…〔06-03〕

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