大学英语|最新的《美国队长》 The Newest American Captain
  →作文|The movie American Captain is very popular around the world, many children treat the protagonist as their hero. The image of Ameri…〔06-01〕

小学英语|如果我有一直魔法笔 If I Have a Magical Pen
  →作文|In Chinese fairy tales, the guy Ma liang is good at drawing and he can make any picture alive with his magical pen....…〔05-20〕

大学英语|名人上学的权利 The Right For Celebrities to Go to School
  →作文|As the development of the media, there are more and more children get famous. These children need to go to school while they also…〔05-17〕

大学英语|取消高校标签就能平等? Cancelling the Tags Can Make the Colleges be Equal?
  →作文|In China, it has been admitted that the universities are in different level, the universities which are labeled with 985 are treat…〔05-11〕

初中英语|姐姐的孩子 My Sister’s Child
  →作文|I have two sisters, the oldest one was married a year ago. Now my sister is pregnant and I can’t wait to see her baby. I fee…〔05-09〕

大学英语|巨星退役了 The Superstar’s Retired
  →作文|Basketball match is the world’s No.2 sport, it only ranks behind football. Basketball is popular around the world. In China,…〔04-28〕

初中英语|改变发型 Change My Hairstyle
  →作文|Someday, when I was watching a movie, I liked the heroine so much, she looked so beautiful. The girl in the movie not only dressed…〔04-12〕

大学英语|年轻人的烦恼 Annoyances From Young People
  →作文|When Spring Festival comes, it is the biggest day for Chinese people, because all the families get union and spend the time togeth…〔04-03〕

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