→原创|Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate. It is on the 25th…〔12-16〕
→原创|Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It falls on December 25th. When my mother and I stayed in America,…〔12-16〕
→原创|Chritmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born. people in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor. The santa claus w…〔12-16〕
→原创|美国,圣诞节,作文Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It is on December 25th. Usually two weeks before, people b…〔12-16〕
→美文|Cock and the crow Once upon a time, in a large forest there lived two brothers cock and the crow.They look very beautiful. Wheneve…〔12-16〕
→原创|人脑与电脑的区别The Difference between a Brain and a Computer为joozone.com原创作品,欢迎转载,但请注明出处!谢谢您支持本站。 要形容人脑与电脑的区别只需一个词,即:复杂。 即使是迄今为止人类制造出的最复杂…〔12-15〕
→原创|本文为站内特聘编辑原创作品,请尊重joozone版权,转载请注明出处,谢谢。 Stress and Relaxation压力与松弛放松英语作文 As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast los…〔12-15〕