→原创|好学英文网(joozone的谐音)小编有话:本文介绍了有关 腊八节 的传说、腊八粥的制作方法极其成分。有趣的是,中国的腊八节竟与佛祖释迦牟尼有关。 在后面我们提供关于腊八节由来与传说(英文)the laba Rice Porridge Festival相关的一…〔01-20〕
→美文|陈俞鑫 高二(17)班Recently, the issue whether to consume is to love our country has been brought into our focus. Some people suppose that…〔01-19〕
→作文|I did believe the snow was not a scene but a great wonder. It brought me much more than it had. What a big snow I have never seen!…〔01-19〕
→考研|包括大作文,小作文模板,各种类型的都已经囊括其中。 大作文 模板一:图画作文 This illustration depicts_________ (图画中的人物)Ving, with______________(补充说明). Recently it has…〔01-18〕
→原创|一篇关于高考填志愿的英语作文,有家长老师对志愿的看法建议等等,希望大家参考之 Every student will be faced with the question when he passes the college entrance examinati…〔01-17〕
→美文|Everyone all has each others direction and purposein the life. When we onsider our purpose and place in life. Many people all woul…〔01-17〕
→美文|This is a diagram of a farm. The arrow marks north. The farm lies in the west of the city, one hour away by train from the city ce…〔01-17〕
→作文|英语作文: Youthful Times. Time flies when we are having fun is an old expression. We know, as we reminisce of our past, time flies reg…〔01-17〕