大学英语|大学生应该创业吗?Should College Students Do business?
  →作文|According the least report, many students start their own business in order to get prepared for the future. Some students run on-l…〔07-07〕

初中英语|木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio
  →初中|木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio…〔07-06〕

大学英语|香港回归日 The Return Day of Hong Kong
  →作文|On July 1st, 1997, this day was a very meaningful day for every Chinese. On this special day, after Great Britain had occupied it…〔07-01〕

英语美文|问世间“爱”为何物?  What is Love?
  →美文|What is love was the most searched phrase on Google in 2012, according to the company. In an attempt to get to the botto…〔06-30〕

大学英语|中国酒文化 The Drinking Culture in China
  →作文|China has over 500million drinkers, according to a 2008 report by a Chinese association. About 62% ofChina’s drinkers start…〔06-25〕

小学英语|成功的关键是什么 What’s the Key to Success
  →作文|What do you think is the key to success? In my mind, confidence is the key to success. A confident person means he has faith in hi…〔06-18〕

高中英语|《父与子》Father and Son
  →作文|“Father and son” is a very famous comic book, I know about it from one of my neighbor by accident. At first I laught a…〔06-11〕

英语美文|为了成功训练自己 Train Yourself For Success
  →美文|Ever seen a great champion boxer like Manny Pacquiao? With his speed, agility and power, he has conquered lots of other great boxe…〔06-10〕

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