大学英语|向政府腐败说不Say no to the Government Corruption
  →作文|Recently, it’s quite common to hear the news that the government’s key officials were found guilty of accepting bribes…〔11-01〕

小学英语|成功在于坚持 Stick to Success
  →作文|Almost all people work hard for success, but not all people can success. Many people ask how to make success. I think the answer i…〔11-01〕

大学英语|秘密账户 Secret Accounts
  →作文|With the increasing number of trust issue in nowadays, people seems are not trusty as before. In the spirit of discretion, every o…〔10-28〕

大学英语|雄心壮志  Ambition
  →作文|Ambition is a strong desire to propel one to final success in career or other meaningful endeavors.Just like Epstein has artistica…〔10-25〕

大学英语|国际支援的重要性 International Aid is Essential
  →作文|With the acceleration of economic globalization, many countries have strengthened their international cooperation and liaison in t…〔10-23〕

大学英语|对于成功最重要的性格  The Most Important Personality to Success
  →作文|What is known to all is that nobody can casually succeed, and success comes from a person's perseverance.As a result, perseverance…〔10-22〕

大学英语|如何判断是否是称职的管理者How to Judge You are a Competent Manager
  →作文|How to judge you are a competent manager? Is your management way being accepted by your subordinate? These two questions can get t…〔10-09〕

大学英语|暑假中最重要的事情 The Most Significant Thing During This Summer Vacation
  →作文|The first summer holiday came to me as expected after I accomplish my first year in college. I know I’m never a freshman fro…〔09-25〕

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