小学英语|一只可爱的猫A Lovely Cat
  →作文|Today, when I go home after school, I see a lovely cat on the road, it is white and small. I find the cat follow me all the way ho…〔10-24〕

初中英语|网上交友的风险The Danger of Making Friends Online
  →作文|As the development of high technology, people count on the computer so much, some people even stay at home all the time and use th…〔10-22〕

小学英语|从容Take your Time
  →作文|Nowadays, people are busy with their work, they have less time to rest. Most people wake up early in the morning and then go to wo…〔10-22〕

大学英语|上学的理由The Reasons of Going to School
  →作文|When I saw the movie The God Must be Crazy, I was laughing so happily, the movie tells about the uncivilized world and the civiliz…〔10-20〕

小学英语|A Trip to Guilin 去桂林
  →作文|It is said that Guilin is a beautiful place, the water is so clean and the mountain is not like the ordinary one. I want to go to…〔10-18〕

小学英语|增肥 Put On Weight
  →作文|Though there are many people want to lose weight, I want to put on weight. I am ten years old and my weight is about 20kg. The chi…〔10-16〕

初中英语|什么是良好的饮食习惯? What is a Good Eating Habit?
  →作文|What is a good eating habit? In my opinion, a good eating habit is related to eat healthily and regularly. To say it simply, Xiao…〔10-14〕

小学英语|闹钟惹的祸 It is Because of the Alarm Clock
  →作文|Today I was not happy, because I was late for school and be criticized by my teacher. It was the fault of my alarm clock. It was w…〔10-10〕

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