英语作文范文|移动电话Mobile Phone
  →范文|As can be seen from the charts more and more people own mobile phones in China now. At the end of 2002, there were 20 million mobi…〔12-30〕

高中英语|网吧 Net Bar
  →作文|With the development of the Internet, the net bar plays an important role in people's life. More and more people, especially stude…〔12-30〕

双语阅读|美文赏析:她并不孤独On her own, but not alone
  →时尚|Unmarried women are one of the fastest-growing demographic groups in America, and increasing numbers of men are remaining single,…〔12-29〕

英语美文|我父亲My father
  →美文|Do you know the man? He is my father .His name is Chen Zhangsong. He looks like is not very tall, and he is fat a little. He is ki…〔12-29〕

初中英语|我们学校图书馆Our School Library
  →作文|This is our school library . It ' s open from 8:30 to 11:30 in the morning and from 1:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon . It ' s not ver…〔12-29〕

原创英语|女性在现代社会的地位Women in the Modern World
  →原创|女性在现代社会的地位Women in the Modern World Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today. In many countries,more and…〔12-28〕

原创英语|关于大学生校外租房的利弊Advantages and Disadvantages of Livi
  →原创|大学生校外租房的利弊(Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Off Campus) 大学生校外租房的利弊(Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Off Campus) More a…〔12-28〕

原创英语|小汽车的利于弊私家车利弊英语作文private cars
  →原创|小汽车的利与弊 Advantages and disadvantages of private cars With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number…〔12-28〕

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