大学英语|Great Changes in MY Hometown我故乡的巨变
  →作文|My hometown lies in eastern Inner Mongolia.It is a beautiful small town.Because of the reforms and open door policy,it is getting…〔01-27〕

初中英语|Buildings in Tianjin天津的建筑
  →作文|In Tianjin,there are many buildings of bygone times.Some of them are imposing and have great artistic and historic value.However,t…〔01-27〕

初中英语|My Daily Activities我的日常活动
  →作文|I am a first-year student in Nanjing University. Every day, I have a very busy and full schedule. Education is very important to s…〔01-27〕

初中英语|Styles of Clothing服装的风格
  →作文|Some ten years ago,the clothes the Chinese people wore were simple and monotonous.Men used to wear blue and gray tunics and trouse…〔01-27〕

原创英语|对保健食品反思 英语作文
  →原创|对保健食品反思 英语作文 保健食品带来的问题本文由好学英文网为大家提供,仅供参考,如需更多MBA英语作文,请到此下载: 1) describe the drawing, 2) interpret its implications, and 3) give yo…〔01-26〕

英语作文范文|Hurrying Home in Rain雨中急归
  →范文|When Louis Tang left work,it was pouring with rain.Many people were standing in doorways of shops,taking shelter. Louis took off h…〔01-26〕

英语作文范文|Helpful Jack 乐于助人的杰克
  →范文|It was the weekend before the exam.We were at the Walker's house and it was pouring rain.Jack came in late,drenched to the skin.He…〔01-26〕

英语作文范文|An Awful Day When Everything Goes Wrong祸不单行的一天
  →范文|Yesterday was one of those awful days for me when everything I did went wrong.First,I did't hear my alarm clock and arrived late f…〔01-26〕

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