大学英语|网上买票的好处 The Advantages of Buying Tickets Online
  →作文|When I was in college, before the holiday came, I was so worried about buying the train ticket for home. I had to stand in the lon…〔05-11〕

初中英语|聆听父母 Listen to the Parents
  →作文|My parents always say that I am not listening to their words, and then I will answer back that I have listened to their words. Act…〔05-09〕

初中英语|姐姐的孩子 My Sister’s Child
  →作文|I have two sisters, the oldest one was married a year ago. Now my sister is pregnant and I can’t wait to see her baby. I fee…〔05-09〕

小学英语|额外奖励 Extra Reward
  →作文|Last Saturday, my mother took me to the supermarket, because I did well in school. And she would buy five things to me for my good…〔05-05〕

大学英语|大学生的期望 The Expectation From College Students
  →作文|I am a college student and I will graduate this year. When the relatives see me, they will ask me about the job. In their eyes, I…〔05-02〕

大学英语|国庆节出游 Traveling on National Day
  →作文|As the National Day came, I have a vacation, so I made the plan to go out and travel to the different places. Last year, I went to…〔05-02〕

初中英语|奶奶的皱纹 Grandma’s Wrinkle
  →作文|Before I moved to the city, I stayed with my grandma at my hometown. In my eyes, grandma is a diligent woman, she likes to plant f…〔04-26〕

大学英语|传统比赛 Traditional Game
  →作文|When Spring Festival comes, I will go back to my hometown and spend the time with my relatives. In my hometown, there will be the…〔04-25〕

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