高中英语|终身学习 Lifelong Learning
  →作文|Once Chairman Mao said one is never too old to learn, his famous words inspire people to keep learning all their lives. Since we a…〔03-20〕

大学英语|恐怖主义永远不会打败中国 Terrorism will Never Defeat China
  →作文|As a controversial issue, whether it’s terrorism that lead to the Malaysian airplane’s missing for days is attracting…〔03-14〕

高中英语|网恋的危害The Danger of Online Love Affair
  →作文|As the Internet has been widely developed, searching the Internet has been part of our life. We use the Internet to communicate wi…〔02-12〕

大学英语|彩票的诱惑The Temptation of Lottery
  →作文|Imagine this, some day, when you wake up and being told that you have hit the lottery, can you believe that you are a millionaire!…〔01-23〕

大学英语|北京会是下一个雾都吗?Will Beijing Be the Next Foggy City?
  →作文|On December, 1952, London was surrounded by the poisonous foggy for at least 4 days. Due to the poisonous air, the hospitals in Lo…〔01-20〕

小学英语|我的朋友(一)My Friend(一)
  →作文|Helen is my best friend. She is 12 years old. She is very beautiful. She has a long hair, big eyes and a small mouth. She can spea…〔01-13〕

英语新闻|习近平:一定把地震灾区学校建得更坚固Xi Jinping: Must Have Built More Solidly Quake-hit Schools
  →新闻|According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping, who is the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President, and Chairman of…〔12-05〕

英语美文|比尔盖茨的十大人生定律 Ten Rules For Life of Bill Gates
  →美文|Life is not fair, get used to it.生活是不公平的;要去适应它。...…〔11-19〕

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