大学英语|全国学生营养日 National Students Nutrition Day
  →作文|National Students nutrition day is on May 20th, started from 1989, this day has made great contribution to the whole nation’…〔05-27〕

  →句子|And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2011 year!我会在2011年的最后一秒钟看中央电视台春节联欢晚会! ...…〔05-12〕

大学英语|光盘行动 Clean Your Plate Campaign
  →作文|On January, 2013, the public started a campaign called Clean Your Plate. This campaign aims to call on people to save food instead…〔05-08〕

英语新闻|2016年广州半数学校覆盖无线网 Half of Guangzhou Digital School Will be Covered With Wi-Fi in 2016
  →新闻|The public school of Guangzhou will basically achieve that there are 1000M broadband access to science and education network, and…〔04-01〕

初中英语|如何预防禽流感 How To Prevent Bird Flu
  →作文|In 2003, there was a big disaster in China, the virus named SARS spread all over China, it made a lot of time to recover. People t…〔03-18〕

高中英语|意外发生时如何保护自己How to Protect Yourself When Accident Occurs
  →作文|On March 1st,2014, a great attack happened in Kunming, about ten guys from Sinkiang showed up in Kunming train station, they took…〔03-07〕

英语新闻|2014公务员面试:如何仪表举止更得体 How to Behave More Appropriate
  →新闻|The civil service is the government department staff, whose general dress, and appearance are mainly simple, austerity, solemn. Of…〔03-05〕

高中英语|全国爱耳日 Ear Care Day
  →作文|Today is March 3, 2014, Ear Care Day. We always appeal everyone to try our best to keep healthy. When it comes to health, we usual…〔03-03〕

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