→大学|This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all liter…〔09-10〕
→大学|As can be clearly seen from the table, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Country X has soared from 300 billion dollars in 1980 t…〔09-10〕
→高中|Raise your head on August 19 and gaze at the stars, you will find something romantic going on in the sky. VALENTINE'S Day in China…〔09-10〕
→范文|根据图在从 1980 年至 1989 年, 30 年代的收音机在工厂生产的逐步下降 A. 它从 1600 降至 1980 年的每月 1000 套,每月 1989 套。因此,有月产量为 600 台总沦陷的 10 年。 另一方面,在有电视机的 productkm…〔09-10〕
→范文|的感谢信 罗斯代尔,加利福尼亚 1999 年 7 月 15 日 亲爱的夫人穆尔, 你可以确信,我将一如既往地继续享受我刚才在你的家里度过一周路易斯。你尽一切可能使我们快乐。缔约方,野餐和午餐都是如此令人愉快和欢乐,我永远感谢所有麻烦您给了你足够的美国。 母..…〔09-10〕
→考研|Lucymy close friend Lucy is my close friend who I came to konw in Jiangyin county in 1999. she is a teacher of one high school.S…〔09-09〕
→考研|文化大革命(The Cultural Revolution in China) The Cultural Revolution in China (1966.5-1976.10) was a large scale political campaign lau…〔09-08〕
→考研|【例一】 Florence Trunkemeyer College of Business Ball State University Muncie, IN 47300 November 15, 1998 General Computer Corporatio…〔09-08〕