大学英语|取消高校标签就能平等? Cancelling the Tags Can Make the Colleges be Equal?
  →作文|In China, it has been admitted that the universities are in different level, the universities which are labeled with 985 are treat…〔05-11〕

大学英语|梅西又拿了金球奖 Messi Wins Ballon d’Or award Again
  →作文|Football is the world’s NO.1sport, though our football players’ level is lagging much behind other countries, football…〔02-03〕

大学英语|工作和玩耍 Work and Play
  →作文|Work and play is an eternal topic for human being, people work so hard all the time, they need to improve their life level by work…〔01-06〕

大学英语|学生评价老师 Students’ Evaluation of Teachers
  →作文|Many years ago, there is no way for students to evaluate teachers, for people treat the teachers in a high level, students are in…〔06-03〕

大学英语|该给孩子物质奖励么?Should We Give Children Material Rewards?
  →作文|With the improvement of material life level, more and more parents are tending to give their children material rewards. For instan…〔03-24〕

高中英语|关于过度包装 On Excessive Packaging
  →作文|With the improvement of living level, the goods' package have become more and more complicated and exaggerated. Thus, the phenomen…〔11-07〕

高中英语|中国书法 Chinese Calligraphy
  →作文|Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture, which has developed into a special high-level art apart from satisfying the needs o…〔11-04〕

  →作文|Keeping a diary in English is an effective way to improve our level of English.It can practice our way to think in English; it pro…〔08-06〕

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