→作文|Recently, the World Cup is coming, this is an excited moment for the football fans. The whole media are waiting for the reporting,…〔06-13〕
→作文|To hold grand opening and closing ceremonies for some activities is the tradition for China for a long time. With the improvement…〔06-12〕
→作文|Before I go to college, I have to wear school uniforms, different school has different uniforms. As for me, I get used to wearing…〔06-11〕
→作文|In China, QQ is the first tool for people to communication on the Internet, but as the development of the technology. ...…〔06-11〕
→作文|My family cares about my foreign language education, they want me to learn English well, so I can have a better future. In order t…〔06-11〕
→美文|Ever seen a great champion boxer like Manny Pacquiao? With his speed, agility and power, he has conquered lots of other great boxe…〔06-10〕
→作文|December 9th is World Football Day, it reminds people of the coming of the World Cup. Football is popular all around the world, in…〔06-10〕
→作文|Fashion is the style and custom prevalent at a given time, and is most commonly used to describe the popular clothing style. For t…〔06-09〕